
Heracle’s “Value-Plus” full range measurement and test service offering

As part of our overall strategy and dedication to help our clients in challenging applications to develop next-generation photonics device solutions and products we have expanded our service offering by a set of measurement, test and fiber making related services.

  • fiber proof tests for 50µm to 1.5mm glass diameters
  • measurement of spectral attenuation from 190nm up to 2100nm
  • measurement of geometry specifications such as diameter and excentricity values
  • Numerical Aperture and fiber profile measurement
  • fiber strength tests (Weighbull, dynamic & static fatigue)
  • FTIR spectrometry for fiber coating and cable jacket materials analysis
  • Fiber analysis by scanning electron microscope

Steigern Sie Ihre Produktivität – mit unserem Zuschnittservice:

Für unsere Kunden mit Anwendungen im medizinischen oder Hochleistungs-Laserbereich bieten wir die Lieferung von Passlängen an. Damit werden Faserkonfektionen in hoher Stückzahl schneller realisiert und unsere Kunden können sich ganz auf die nachfolgenden Bearbeitungsschritte konzentrieren.

With our offering we can first of all make sure that our fibers perform according to our high quality standards and our clients’ requirements and intended use. But more interesting to our clients is the valuable feedback they may gain on fiber specifications and performance. With the broad range of measurement and test options we are prepared to answer their questions around fiber quality and fiber manufacturing related issues.